In my picture, I decided to zoom in on a Helen Frankethaler piece of artwork entitled “Left Handed Purple.” The piece consisted of more of the brown, white and black lines before I zoomed in on the corner that included a red dot and a green paint brush mark, which to me seemed to depict a type of flower, most likely being a rose. The idea of what the blotch is is subjective to whoever views it. The red has a lot of visual intensity and really drew my attention that part of the page. Because of the contrast to the brown, black, and white I was immediately looking at the part of the picture that I zoomed in on. The affinity of the darker parts lets this red and green spot stand out. I placed the red spot where it would also stand out with the rule of thirds, but unlike in the original, I moved it closer to the upper right third. Previously it was in the lower right third. I created a Mid Shot (MS) on the red spot, as it was previously included in a long shot (LS). I think this made the picture seem more intimate. Now the red and the green are right up in the front and now can be noticed more than they was before. I also used the idea of lines that point to the red, including the black line that is in the white that seems to end up at the red. The white line itself also points to the rose and so do the edges of the black and brown sections on the top and bottom of the painting. It makes the eyes travel the path of the lines and end up on the red blotch, which is exactly where I tried to focus attention.
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